Uppdaterad 2024-08-16
Country of Origin Information Report Nigeria
Källa: Nederländerna. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Upphovsdatum: januari 2023
Nigeria - Country focus
Källa: European Union Agency for Asylum. EUAA
Upphovsdatum: 2024-07-12
FGM/C in Nigeria
Källa: 28 Too Many
Upphovsdatum: 2023-03-01
Nigeria: Situation and treatment of single women and of women who head their own households, including their ability to live on their own and access housing, income, education, health care, and support services, particularly in Port Harcourt, Abuja, Ibadan and Lagos; impact of COVID-19 (2019-October 2021)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2021-11-10
Brief compilation on the security situation in Nigeria
Källa: Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation. ACCORD
Upphovsdatum: 2021-06-07
EASO Country of Origin Information Report: Nigeria. Security situation (Version 1.1) Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2021-06-01
EASO Country of Origin Information Report: Nigeria. Trafficking in Human Beings
Källa: European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2021-04-26
Landinformation: Nigeria. Delstaten Edo - det nigerianska navet för migration och människohandel (version 1.0) Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: Migrationsverket
Upphovsdatum: 2019-12-16
Country of Origin Information Report - Nigeria. Targeting of individuals Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2018-11-29
Temanotat Nigeria: Returforhold for kvinner som har arbeidet i prostitusjon i Europa
Källa: Norge. Landinfo
Upphovsdatum: 2017-03-20
Nigeria. Den kulturella kontexten för hbt-personer
Källa: Migrationsverket
Upphovsdatum: 2014-12-18
Country of Origin Information Report - Nigeria. Actors of protection Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2018-11-01
Nigeria and Canada: The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), including objectives, structure, activities, and relations with other Biafran independence groups; treatment by the authorities and state protection; the ability for the government to monitor IPOB organizations abroad, particularly in Canada (2020-May 2022) Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2022-05-06
After Shekau: Confronting Jihadists in Nigeria's North East
Källa: International Crisis Group. ICG
Upphovsdatum: 2022-03-29
Nigeria: The situation and treatment of political opponents, including the People's Democratic Party (PDP), by the authorities and society; state protection (2019-October 2021)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2021-11-03
Temarapport: Nigeria - Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) (version 1.0)
Källa: Migrationsverket Upphovsdatum: 2017-12-19
Shari'ah Criminal Law in Northern Nigeria
Källa: US Commission on International Religious Freedom. USCIRF
Upphovsdatum: 2019-12-01
Prison Conditions in Nigeria: A Commentary
Källa: Asylum Research Centre. ARC
Upphovsdatum: 2019-11-01
Nigeria: Passports, including whether the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) name appears on them; the content, appearance, and security features of passports; requirements and procedures for obtaining a passport locally and from abroad; ECOWAS travel books (2020-February 2022)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2022-05-06
Nigeria: Requirements and procedures for the issuance of affidavits; variations of Oaths Acts among states; availability of fraudulent affidavits (2019-October 2021)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2021-11-10
Nigeria - Exit Procedures and Controls - EASO COI Query Response
Källa: European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2021-06-22
Nigeria: Marriage certificates, including their appearance and security features; requirements and procedure to obtain them from within the country or from abroad; prevalence of fraudulent documents (2018-October 2020)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2020-11-04
Nigeria: Birth and death certificates, including appearance and security features; requirements and procedures to obtain them from within the country or from abroad; prevalence of fraudulent documents (2018-October 2020)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2020-11-02
Report on Citizenship Law: Nigeria Länk till annan webbplats.
Källa: Global Citizenship Observatory. GLOBALCIT. European University Institute
Upphovsdatum: 2020-07-31
Identification documents system in Nigeria - EASO COI Query Response Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2019-01-24
Nigeria: Family laws in Nigeria, including whether a spouse or former spouse can use family laws to track the location of their minor child if the other spouse relocates with the child to a different area of Nigeria (2017-March 2020)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2020-04-02
2021 Report on International Religious Freedom: Nigeria
Källa: US Department of State
Upphovsdatum: 2022-06-02
Nigeria: Consequences for a person refusing a chief priest or a shaman [also called fetish priest] title for which they have been selected in south and central Nigeria; state protection (2019-October 2021)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2021-11-12
Nigeria: The socio-economic situation, including demographics, employment rates, economic sectors, and crime rates, as well as access to education, health care and housing, particularly for the cities of Port Harcourt, Abuja, and Kano (2020-May 2022)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2022-06-10
Nigeria. Medical Country of Origin Information Report
Källa: European Union Agency for Asylum. EUAA
Upphovsdatum: 2022-04-01
Nigeria: The socio-economic situation, including demographics, employment rates, economic sectors, and crime rates, as well as access to education, health care and housing, particularly for the cities of Lagos, Ibadan and Benin City (2018-November 2020)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2020-11-12
Nigeria: Mental health services available; treatment of persons with mental illness by society and by the authorities; state protection, including recourse and complaints mechanisms available in cases of abuse (2018-October 2020)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2020-11-10
Nigeria: Role of indigeneship in obtaining employment, housing and social services; how indigeneship is established and identified; ability of non-indigenes to relocate to Abuja, Lagos or Port Harcourt; assistance available to those who relocate (2017-October 2019)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2019-10-30
EASO Country of Origin Information Report - Nigeria. Key socio-economic indicators Länk till annan webbplats.
Källa: European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2018-11-01
Nigeria - Practical Cooperation Meeting Report 12-13 June 2017 Rome
Källa: European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2017-08-01
Översyn 2021-10-22
Country Guidance: Nigeria. Common analysis and guidance note Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: EU. European Asylum Support Office.EASO
Rättsligt ställningstagande. Utredning och bedömning av förföljelse på grund av kön avseende kvinnor - RS/069/2021 Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: Migrationsverket
Upphovsdatum: 2021-04-28
Rättsligt ställningstagande. Ett effektivt myndighetsskydd - RS/068/2021 Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: Migrationsverket
Upphovsdatum: 2021-04-29
Rättsligt ställningstagande. Utredning och prövning av den framåtsyftande risken för personer som åberopar skyddsskäl på grund av sexuell läggning, könsöverskridande identitet eller könsuttryckt - RS/015/2021 Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: Migrationsverket
Upphovsdatum: 2021-02-25
Migrationsöverdomstolens avgörande den 17 juni 2019 i MIG 2019:10 (UM 14584-18)
Instans: Migrationsöverdomstolen
Upphovsdatum: 2019-06-17
Sammanfattning av målet R.O. mot Sverige inför FN:s kommitté mot tortyr (CAT) den 18 november 2016, No 644/14
Källa: Migrationsverket Upphovsdatum: 2017-02-17
Migrationsöverdomstolens dom den 19 december 2013 i mål UM 3853-13
Källa: Migrationsverket
Upphovsdatum: 2014-03-25
2024 (jan-maj): 114
2023: 200
2022: 288
Människohandel Länk till annan webbplats.
Boko Haram
ACAPS: Nigeria Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.