Demokratiska republiken Kongo

Lifos rekommenderar

Uppdaterad 2025-01-09

Introduktion till landet

BTI 2024 Country Report - Congo, DR
Källa: Bertelsmann Stiftung
Upphovsdatum: 2024-03-19

DR Congo: A Full Plate of Challenges after a Turbulent Vote
Källa: International Crisis Group. ICG
Upphovsdatum: 2024-01-26

Säkerhetssituation, mänskliga rättigheter och humanitär situation

Midterm report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Källa: UN Security Council
Upphovsdatum: 2024-12-27

United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Report of the Secretary-General
Källa: UN Security Council
Upphovsdatum: 2024-09-20

Democratic Republic of the Congo - Situation of women without a support network in South Kivu - EUAA COI Query
Källa: European Union Agency for Asylum. EUAA
Upphovsdatum: 2024-09-02

Democratic Republic of the Congo - Security situation in North Kivu and South Kivu - EUAA COI Query
Källa:European Union Agency for Asylum. EUAA
Upphovsdatum: 2024-03-05

Democratic Republic of the Congo - Situation of LGBTIQ people; legislation and implementation; treatment by the state; treatment by society; availability of state protection; access to support services - EUAA COI Query
Källa: European Union Agency for Asylum. EUAA

DR Congo: Killings, Rapes by Rwanda-Backed M23 Rebels
Källa: Human Rights Watch. HRW
Upphovsdatum: 2023-06-13

DRC: Justice and Freedoms Under Siege in North Kivu and Ituri
Källa: Amnesty International
Upphovsdatum: 2022-05-10

Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Situation of the Banyamulenge (2020 to March 2022)
Källa: Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation. ACCORD
Upphovsdatum: 2022-04-01

Democratic Republic of the Congo - Political opponents, journalists, activists - EASO COI Query Response
Källa: European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2021-09-16

Landinformation: Säkerhetssituationen i östra Demokratiska republiken Kongo (version 1) Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: Migrationsverket
Upphovsdatum: 2020-06-15


Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Country Security Report
Källa: USA. US Department of State
Upphovsdatum: 2022-03-31

Väpnade grupper, politiska rörelser och övriga organisationer

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Treatment by authorities of political opponents, including those who are members of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social, UDPS) or the Common Front for Change (Front commun pour le Congo, FCC) (2020-March 2022)
Källa: 2022-04-11
Upphovsdatum: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB

The Landscape of Armed Groups in Eastern Congo Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: Kivu Security Tracker
Upphovsdatum: 2021-02-01 

Identitetshandlingar, medborgarskap och rörelsefrihet
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Passports, including their contents, appearance and security features; requirements and procedures for obtaining them within the country and abroad, including documents required and verifications carried out by authorities before issuing a passport (2000-February 2023)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2023-03-16

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Voter cards, including their appearance, content, security features and uses; the different versions issued since 2016 and their date of issue; requirements and procedures for obtaining a voter card, including a replacement; prevalence of document fraud related to the voter card; samples (2011-August 2022)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2022-11-04

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Prevalence and availability of fraudulent identity, administrative and legal documents (2020-March 2022)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2022-03-22

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Civil status documents, including birth certificates, birth certificate extracts, birth registry extracts, certificates of notoriety in lieu of birth certificates (actes de notoriété supplétifs à un acte de naissance), suppletory judgments (jugements supplétifs), and the civil status record; requirements and steps to follow to obtain these documents; availability of fraudulent suppletory judgments and civil status records (2019-April 2021)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2021-04-08

Democratic Republic of the Congo: The consequences of living without civil status documents in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), including birth, marriage or other certificates, as well as education documents; whether persons who are not registered with the civil status authorities may register the birth of a child; whether it is possible to obtain a passport without other civil status documents (2017-March 2020)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2020-04-24

Democratic Republic of Congo: The Treatment by National Authorities of Their Citizens Returning to Congo
Källa: Belgien. Commissariat Général aux Réfugiés et aux Apatrides. CGRA
Upphovsdatum: 2020-01-20

Democratic Republic of Congo: Ability to resettle in Kinshasa, particularly for women without male support, including access to housing, jobs and public services (2016-August 2019)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2019-09-03

Den demokratiske republikken Kongo: Intern migrasjon
Källa: Norge. Landinfo
Upphovsdatum: 2015-02-19          

Den demokratiske republikken Kongo: Dokumenter og offentlig forvaltning
Källa: Norge. Landinfo
Upphovsdatum: 2011-05-06


Democratic Republic of the Congo: Early or forced marriages, including among women and girls; prevalence, related legislation, and the ability to refuse such a marriage; state protection and support services (2019-March 2021)
Källa: Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Upphovsdatum: 2021-04-01


Congo-Kinshasa (République démocratique du Congo). L'aménagement linguistique dans le monde
Källa: Chaire pour le développement de la recherche sur la culture d'expression francaise en Amérique du Nord. CEFAN
Upphovsdatum: 2021-10-25

EASO Medical Country of Origin Information Report. Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Källa:European Asylum Support Office. EASO
Upphovsdatum: 2021-08-01

Migrationsrättsenheten rekommenderar

Översyn 2021-06-29

Rättsligt ställningstagande. Säkerhetssituationen i vissa delar Öppnas i nytt fönster.
av Demokratiska republiken Kongo (DRK) - RS/016/2020 (version 2.0) Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Upphovsdatum: 2021-06-24

Rättsligt ställningstagande. Utredning och bedömning av förföljelse på grund av kön avseende kvinnor - RS/069/2021 Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Källa: Migrationsverket
Upphovsdatum: 2021-04-28