EASO Country of Origin Information Report: Nigeria. Trafficking in Human Beings

The report, EASO COI Report: Nigeria – Trafficking in Human Beings, is an update and expansion of the 2015 EASO COI report on Sex Trafficking of women in Nigeria.

The first chapter is a general overview of trafficking in human beings in Nigeria, and includes the most occurring types of trafficking. It discusses the profiles of the most probable victims of trafficking. The second chapter dives into the modus operandi of trafficking, including networks and roles of traffickers, the debt system and taking of oaths, and the organisation of travel to Europe. The third chapter deals with the situation of returning victims of trafficking to Nigeria, the support possibilities and shelters, the attitude of relatives and organisations towards returnees. The risks of re-trafficking and the factors influencing possible re-trafficking are also discussed. The final chapter treats the role of the state and state organisations in protecting victims of trafficking and prosecuting traffickers.


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European Union Agency for Asylum. EUAA
European Union Agency for Asylum. EUAA,
EASO Country of Origin Information Report: Nigeria. Trafficking in Human Beings,


Återvändande, Nigerianer, Nigeria, Barn, Rättssäkerhet, Kvinnor, Straff, Kriminalitet, Familjeåterförening, Rörelsefrihet, Rättsväsen, Migration, Människohandel, Sexuellt våld, Rekrytering, Juju