Democratic Republic of the Congo - Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against women, including sexual and domestic violence, conflict-related sexual violence, trafficking for sexual exploitation, traditional harmful practices, and early and forced marriage; legislation; social attitudes; availability of state protection; access to support services - EUAA COI Query
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against women, including sexual and domestic violence, conflict-related sexual violence, trafficking for sexual exploitation, traditional harmful practices, and early and forced marriage; legislation; social attitudes; availability of state protection; access to support services - EUAA COI Query,
Barn, Lagstiftning, NGO:er, Väpnad konflikt, Dem. Rep. Kongo, Våldtäkt, Kongoleser, Människohandel, Sexuellt våld, Tvångsäktenskap, Våld i hemmet, Ituri, Barnäktenskap, Nord Kivu, Syd Kivu