Iraq - Internal mobility. EASO Country of Origin Information Report

The report aims to provide relevant information for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection, as well as for use in the development of EASO's country guidance exercise on Iraq. The report is structured to provide a general context to mobility, including internal displacement context and voluntary return context, as well as freedom of movement provisions in the law; this is followed by general information on travel and accessibility to Iraq and within Iraq, covering aspects of documentation needs, flights, travel by road, (re)acquisition of civil documentation, and family links and social capital. A third section covers governorate-level access and requirements, organised by groups for organisational purposes only as follows: Baghdad, Kirkuk and disputed areas, southern governorates (including Babylon, as well as Kerbala, Najaf, Wassit, Dhi Qar, Missan, Muthanna, Qadissiyah, Basrah), Kurdistan Region of Iraq (Dohuk, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah), and Central-northern governorates of Anbar, Salah Al Din, Diyala, and Ninewa. Lastly, issues relating to civil documentation and mobility for certain IDPs, children born under ISIL, and women are provided.


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European Union Agency for Asylum. EUAA
European Union Agency for Asylum. EUAA,
Iraq - Internal mobility. EASO Country of Origin Information Report,


Återvändande, Dokument, Barn, Kvinnor, Irak, Rörelsefrihet, Flyg, Internflyktingar, Kurdistan Region in Iraq, Dokumentlöshet, Identitetskort, Registrering, Provinser, Identitetshandlingar, Bagdad, Medborgarskapscertifikat, Islamiska Staten