Nigeria: Documents issued by the police during criminal investigations or in response to a complaint, including police reports and Special Police Gazette Bulletins; samples; procedures for an individual to obtain a copy of a police report within the country as well as from abroad; appearance of police reports, including variations across the country; the nature and extent of communications between police stations in the country, including the computer networks available to them and the information they share (2020-October 2024)

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Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB
Kanada. Immigration and Refugee Board. IRB,
Nigeria: Documents issued by the police during criminal investigations or in response to a complaint, including police reports and Special Police Gazette Bulletins; samples; procedures for an individual to obtain a copy of a police report within the country as well as from abroad; appearance of police reports, including variations across the country; the nature and extent of communications between police stations in the country, including the computer networks available to them and the information they share (2020-October 2024),


Nigeria, Dokument, Polisen, Efterlysningar, Vittnen, Arresteringsorder